City Chapel NYC

A King's Heart for Rebel Kid(s) - 2 Samuel 18, Zechariah 9.9, Matthew 21

City Chapel NYC

This past Sunday, we entered Holy Week by reading the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem, Matthew 21, alongside 2 Samuel 18, the story of King David entering Jerusalem after his son, Absalom, led a rebellion to push King David out of the city. Both narratives have key similarities - a donkey, a true King with an entourage, and a hostile Jerusalem! We saw the similarities are no accident, for 2 Samuel 18 provides us a window into the Father's heart for His rebellious people.

In the passage, David, standing outside of Jerusalem, learns of his rebellious son's death, and grieves saying, "my son, my son, would I have died instead of you?" David's heart was for the deliverance of his dead son at the cost of his own life. And in the same way, what David could only wish to give his Absalom, Jesus actually gives to those who trust in him. "My life for yours," Jesus embodies on the Cross! This is what we celebrate this Holy Week!