City Chapel NYC
citychapel.nycCity Chapel exists to see and spread the full measure of the Spirit empowered renewal promised by Jesus that brings personal conversion & deep-life transformation, wholehearted community, social justice, and cultural beauty to New York City and Northern Jersey, and through here, the world.
128 episodes
Jesus, The Spotless Lamb - Revelations 5, Luke 2, Isaiah 53, Exodus 12 // Great God - Brooks Kanski
Knowing the "Son of Man" and Inhabiting the Present - Daniel 7 // Great God - Jeremiah Lepasana
"Receiving and Appealing" - 2 Corinthians 5.18-6.2 // "Removing Alone-ness" - Jeremiah Lepasana
Diagnosing Our Lack of Peace - Psalm 16 // Psalms - Jeremiah Lepasana
The psalmist, in the face of threat, finds peace by declaring:"my God is good""my God gives good""my God will be good"What in our story keeps us from believing the same?
On Expectancy, A Conversation with Cindy Halsted
A few years ago Cindy, Founder of We Want More, shared with Jeremiah that deep-life transformation occurs in environments that are 1) safe, 2) vulnerable, 3) expectant and 4) Spirit-empowered. On Sunday, we double-clicked on "expectancy," askin...
From Failure to Overwhelming Restoration - John 21.1-19 // The Resurrection & Today - Jeremiah Lepasana
John 21 answers two foundational questions we find ourselves asking now and again: 1) given the pain I see others experiencing, what hope is there for the world? and 2) what about me...what hope is there for me? The story of John 21...
From Catastrophe to Eucatastrophe - John 20.11-18 // The Resurrection & Today - Jeremiah Lepasana
Something Happened in the Middle of History - John 1.1-4, John 20.1-10 // The Resurrection & Today - Jeremiah Lepasana
Modern people don’t believe resurrection of the dead is plausible, was it just more plausible for people of the 1st century? Did people during the time of Jesus (1st Century) think this sort of thing could happen? The short answer is not at all...
A King's Heart for Rebel Kid(s) - 2 Samuel 18, Zechariah 9.9, Matthew 21
This past Sunday, we entered Holy Week by reading the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem, Matthew 21, alongside 2 Samuel 18, the story of King David entering Jerusalem after his son, Absalom, led a rebellion to push King David out of the city. B...